2017年7月22日 星期六


1.     共同基金:專. mutual fund

2.     基金經理/操盤人:慣. mutual fund manager
3.     單筆申購:慣. one-time/lump sum investment
4.     定期定額:慣. dollar-cost averaging; systematic/periodic investment/purchase plan (SIP)
5.     /買回:動. (to) redeem; . redemption
6.     申購(基金)/訂閱(刊物):動. (to) subscribe; . subscription
7.     手續費:慣. administration fee

〔例句〕 No matter which way that you’d like to subscribe and/or redeem your mutual fund, i.e. the periodic or one-time investment plan, you have better[1] anticipate[2] the long-term rewards. The trading/transaction cost like administration fee cannot be ignored[3].

[1] . 最好
[2] . 期待
[3] . 忽視=overlook=neglect=disregard

8.     (投資)組合項目:專. portfolio
9.     通膨&利率:專. inflation & interest
10.  貨幣政策:專. monetary policy
11.  惡性循環:慣. vicious cycle

〔例句〕 When it comes to a nation’s economy, the interest rate is always a powerful tool that the central bank could take advantage of/make use of/use[1] to fight against[2] the inflation rate. Therefore/Thus/As a result/So/Hence, they two rates are key indicators[3] to a country’s monetary and fiscal policies. If they’re not handled[4] well, the vicious cycle effect[5] could be released repeatedly and hurt the competiveness[6].

[1] . 善用; 利用
[2] . 作戰
[3] . 指標
[4] . 處理; 應付
[5] . 效果
[6] . 競爭力

12.  新興市場:慣. emerging market

〔例句〕 Speaking of personal financial management (個人理財), investing/to invest in mutual funds shall/should be the first step that we could take. Nevertheless/However[1], while examining[2] the contents[3] of the target fund’s portfolio, don’t forget to review the fund manager’s credentials[4] in history. Moreover, if/assuming/provided/providing/supposing (如果/假如) it’s the emerging markets that you’d be interested in (有興趣去Ving/N.), be ready for/to embrace[5] the drastic[6] fluctuations in the stock market. 

綜合例句一:《請參閱Clare首本出版商英工具書:【商務英語的秘密:學校老師不教的12堂商務英語課 】一書的P.094例句1》

綜合例句二:《請參閱Clare首本出版商英工具書:【商務英語的秘密:學校老師不教的12堂商務英語課 】一書的P.094例句2》  

[1] . 然而
[2] . 檢驗
[3] . 內容
[4] . 資歷; 表現
[5] . 擁抱
[6] . 激烈的; 猛烈的

